Friday, July 8, 2011

Something incredibly awkward

Last night we had our hospital tour. In all honesty, it was awesome. I'm so happy with our hospital choice; the tour actually got me really excited for the big day. I had such a great time that I think some of the other people in our class were a little annoyed by me, because I had--easily--the best experience of anyone else. Allow me to explain.

The same woman who taught the breastfeeding class (who I mentioned in yesterday's post) was giving the tour. She recognized me and Chris right away and even had me answer questions/act as her assistant as the tour wore on. Clearly, I was established as the teacher's pet--which, normally doesn't bother me. But I'm so intimidated in mom circles, that I couldn't help but feel like all the other moms were shooting daggers my way.

Eventually, we got off the elevator at the Labor & Delivery floor, and the entire class was in the waiting area. Our tour guide was sharing some logistics and explaining what we were about to see. Well, who should walk through the door but MY obstetrician! It was awesome. She came right over, said hello to me and Chris, rubbed my belly... I mean, the woman all but gave me a hug. Chris and I looked at each other, and immediately, we were put at ease.

Shortly thereafter, we walked through the hallway and into the waiting room. We were about to enter one of the delivery rooms (all of which are private, by the way) and therefore, we passed by the nurse's station. Well, who should we see at the desk but my friend Julie--a labor and delivery nurse at the hospital. Neither of us thought to check her schedule, confirm when/if she'd be there, or even alert each other to the possibility that we could run into one another. This time, there was more squealing, more hugging, and more hushed conversation as the tour guide said, "Well, you just know everyone, don't you?"

But all of this is not the reason why I'm writing today.
Here you be: As part of the tour, our guide mentioned the possibility of listening to soothing music while you're laboring and delivering as a means of relaxation. Both Chris and I had heard of this, but we never really considered it until being in the room, looking at the bed, and imagining ourselves going through the miracle of birth.

So, onto the awkward. I'm assuming that labor will take me a while. And I'm assuming that if I bring CDs, I'm probably going to get annoyed with one person's voice for all that time. Make a playlist on your iPod, you say? Well, yes. We thought of that. But how long do you plan for? What if it runs out? Do you just repeat? Will I get annoyed with the fact that I might not be surprised at what comes next? For these reasons, I'm thinking Pandora might be a nice option. But here's where it gets uncomfortable. I'm listening to one of my created stations right now. It's easily my favorite--lots of airy female vocalists and even-tempo songs. I listen to this at work regularly, as it relaxes me and helps me focus. HOWEVER (and this is a big however), many--if not all--of the songs feel or sound like break up songs. Like sad bastard break up songs.

It's weird to listen to sad bastard music while you're giving birth, right? I mean, I've never done this before. I don't know. But I'm assuming that's not the "dream" introduction to the world that you'd like to give your daughter: "Hello, little one! Welcome to the world. This place is pain-filled--sometimes horribly so--and hard to navigate. But some bitchin' art usually comes out of it." Or the memory you'd like to share with her when she's old enough to hear the story of her birth: "So, lovely. You were born. And I'll never forget it. Sara Bareilles was singing 'Gravity,' and the words--
'You're neither friend nor foe,
though I can't seem to let you go,
the one thing that I still know,
is that you're keeping me down...'
have very special meaning for me."

Don't think I'll be winning any "Mother of Year" trophies with that one.

So, I find myself at a loss. Music? No music? Different music? Length of music? Medium of music?
Whatever advice you'd like to share is appreciated. I promise. No judgements.


scatteredpaper said...

Start the girl off right -- she can never reproach you if you're playing the Beatles.

Julie said...

Hmm...just from my experience, I don't think you would get annoyed with your playlist if it ends up repeating. Most likely, by the time it ends up repeating, you'll be a little distracted. Or rather, glad for the distraction. I didn't have music playing during my labor, but I did pretty continuously have some of my favorite pandora relaxation music playing in my head. Usually the same couple of songs, and I didn't get annoyed with myself :)

The Montgomerys said...

too bad i have c-sections and the music in the operating room is usually 80's rock with some elevator music thrown in. it's funny that i come to count on that music as they wheel me in for the operation. it makes me laugh every time! sorry i am of no help in this area.

Christine said...

Umm, my major parenting fail - I think the Simpsons was on tv during Andrew's birth (or at least during labor). It took a while, Doug was bored (in a good way, I got a bit bored too after the epidural kicked in) and any distraction was welcome. No DVR or laptop with us, etc. And Andrew seems to have turned out fine, though I do think this is the first time I have ever confessed to this. I should have changed our names .....

I think both times our "birth plan" went out the window. Except the drugs - that was the only part that mattered anyway. :-) (Actually, the only part that matters is that they were born and are growing up in a relatively happy, healthy way.)

Jewels said...

I had a lot of plans of listening to my hypnobirthing relaxation cd's and frank reading these scripps to me. But it all went out the door when I figured out I had labored at home too long and we had to get the hospital. Got there and I was 10cm and well lets just say as I pushed I made my own music. Well, not music per say unless screaming counts:) Sorry no help but I don't think you will get sick of you music but whatever helps you relax is best. The more you relax the less it hurts.

Emily Joy said...

Oh my word - just read this and now I want to know...did you listen to music??? I brought some the first time and then the thought of listening to music was TOTALLY annoying to me and it never left my bag :)