Saturday, July 11, 2009

4 weeks went by? You must be kidding.

I had GRAND plans to post while I was on vacation.
I had visions of updating about our amazing trip to Paris; our fabulous travels with Renee; our ridiculousness in Belgium; our theatre experiences in London...

But, alas and alack, I'm reminded of a quote from Ernest Hemingway (that I'm most certainly butchering here): "You don't take a pencil on a lion hunt." Meaning, of course, that you can't really document the most exciting parts of your life... mainly because you're too busy living them. And I can say, without a doubt, that there has been a lot of living crammed into the last four weeks.

It started with our trip to Europe. 5 days in Paris--check. 4 days in the south of France--check. 3 days in Belgium--check. 4 days in London--check. Stopping in 4 countries and traveling for 24 hours to get back to the United States--check.

Then, we quickly turned around (about 26 hours, to be exact) and got on another plane. This time, to Oregon. Jimmy was there (the little bro), and John (the bigger of the little bros) flew out, in an unexpected turn of events, for the 4th of July. There's no time quite like family time--especially Dzundza family time. And it's not just because all of us are so ridiculously good looking. There's so much more to us, (we have our own language, for example) and us kids are so rarely all in the same place; it was a real treat to have some dedicated time together.

After the short reunion, Chris and I flew back to San Diego. I was at home for about 2 hours--mostly to have dinner, repack, and buy a one piece bathing suit. Then I was off to camp at Forest Home with the senior high students from the church. Another fabulous week of frisbee, late night conversation, laughter, and good memories.

And here I am, on Monday, at my new job.

I'm currently reminding myself to breathe.

What. a. trip.