Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What's with today, Today?

Reasons why today is lame:
  1. Everyone has commented on my outfit today, most of them have been negative and/or insulting. I wore shorts to work today. And a pink shirt. It's spring. It felt appropriate. However, many of my coworkers--along with people who've popped in the office--have decided it's too cold for such attire. Need I remind you, we are living in San Diego? Or that it's March? Or that it's 65 degrees outside--and around 70 inside? Sheesh.
  2. I couldn't, for the life of me, prepare my breakfast in a timely manner. First, I couldn't find the bowls at work. Second, it was hard to open the cereal box. Third, it took FOREVER to cut the strawberries. Fourth, I kept dropping said strawberries. Fifth, I somehow managed to spray strawberry juice onto my khaki shorts. Lovely.
  3. I have a stye in my eye. It hurts. It's ugly. And I couldn't put on makeup to cover it up.

Reasons why today is grand:

  1. While it took years for my breakfast to finally be ready, it tasted wonderful. We tried a new granola--organic granola with peanuts--and I, for one, will never go back to Flax Plus "original" again.
  2. My lunch was superb: leftover sweet potato & leek soup with rice and half of a leftover Rico's California burrito.
  3. Chris and I have recently gotten into a rut which is, quite possibly, one of the most joyous ruts I can think of. We have become addicted to Boston Legal, and every night, we race home to watch as many as we possibly can before we fall asleep on the couch. Free library rentals are my favorite.

1 comment:

The Montgomerys said...

what a fun rut! you and chris are so great!

ps. i love that you wore shorts. don't let 'em get you down:)