Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ministry Assistant to Adult Discipleship

Well, the background check went through and I started training yesterday. I'm at the church for a full three days this week, but I don't officially start until July 13.

Here's a quick list of the things I'm really excited about (in no particular order):

1. My office--yes, office--has its own door and printer.
2. I work 3 miles away from my house.
3. I'm contributing to something bigger than a bottom line.
4. My new boss is invested in me as a person, not just as a professional and/or assistant.
5. I have a built in community of friends.
6. I get to organize and edit.
7. I get to help cast vision for our church.
8. I get to help facilitate real change.
9. I sing when I get home because I'm so happy.
10. This feels right.

The job is an amalgamation of a bunch of different tasks. Yes, there's a lot of admin work, but I'm no stranger to that. And, at the end of the day, I'm doing things to help make a ministry thrive and grow.

I'm so jazzed I can hardly stand it.


King of the Mazza Monkeys said...

Paula and I are jazzed for you and with you....It is fun to see a friend step into God's gifting and thrive with passion. We are looking forward to seeing how God blesses you and those around you.

Christine said...

Doug said that number one should be working in the same office as him ... possibly number two... :-)

Unknown said...

A new job?!?!? That's awesome! Good bye Costco books, hello fulfillment!