Friday, March 6, 2009

Spring Cleaning: A good habit or a task with a seedy underbelly?

I have to confess, when it comes to cleaning, I'm relatively awful. My husband is patient and kind, and therefore, he can put up with me and my bad habits. But because I love him, and don't necessarily enjoy being messy, I'm trying to do a better job of keeping things tidy around the house. After all, cleanliness is next to Godliness, as the saying goes.

But when enforced cleaning is required by my workplace, I get more than a little offended. Even when pizza is promised as a "reward for our efforts."

The reason I'm concerned is because a forced cleaning frenzy can't be a good sign. We've had 3 rounds of layoffs in the last 8 months, and I have a feeling that the powers that be in our organization are beginning to wonder why our office needs so much space in southern California. Perhaps I've become cynical; but I'd like to think I'm simply operating with an increased sense of awareness.

If I had to conjure a guess, I'd say that this is the beginning of a bigger action. Either a.) they're thinking of moving us to a smaller, less expensive space or b.) they're planning on getting rid of us all together.

Recessions are my favorite.

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