Monday, September 22, 2008

Tony Blair on The Daily Show

Did you click on the title of this post? I sure hope so. Otherwise this entry will make no sense. It's a link to the second half of Tony Blair on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

Some facts to be aware of:
  1. I am a Liberal Democrat.

  2. When hearing George W. Bush speak, I often become embarrassed to be American.

  3. I throw all of my support behind Barack Obama.

  4. I've had dreams about being... more than friends with Jon Stewart. 
But listening to Tony Blair--former Prime Minister of England--speak about his relationship with W. and his reasons for going to war in Iraq, I get concerned. And not for the reasons you may think.

I want to trust my president. I want to believe that he is the best qualified individual for the job. I want to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he will act with the best interests of the country in mind. And I want to feel like we, as the American people, are all in this together.

When Tony Blair speaks about the insanely controversial topics listed in this video... I feel that. I trust that he knows more than me about these subjects. I believe he's making well-informed decisions. I know he's not only thinking of himself, but of the good of his country. And I start to think about how quickly I can renounce my citizenship and try to retain a British Visa.

This is the oppressive regime we broke away from over 200 years ago? Is it too late to say we're sorry?

What makes me concerned when I watch this video is that the policies Tony Blair outlines here are entirely in line with the Bush doctrine--a doctrine that I've come to know as the Guidebook for How to Make a Once-Great Nation Fall into an Irrevocable State of Disrepair.

So why is it that I can listen to Tony Blair and a.) not cringe nor b.) vehemently disagree?

My fear is that something is very wrong with our country--and it's bigger than the letter W. 

What good is democracy if our elections aren't about issues but popularity? If our political leanings don't have anything to do with individual thought and everything to do with mob mentalities? And if the leader of the free world (and the guy he's hired to take care of the money) don't have to be accountable anyone? 

Democracy. Ha. More like traveshamockery.


Becca said...

Ugh. I am so disillusioned about the election it isn't even funny. In the end though, I know I'll end up voting for the candidate that is best for K.'s military career (you know, since we owe a million years to the Army).
But what really bothers me about American politics?? The fact that celebrities get involved, and I'd be willing to bet that a large portion of the population would vote for a certain candidate if they thought their idolized Hollywood Icon was doing it too. I also wish the media would cover the issues, rather than focusing on the home/family lives of the candidates.
But what can you do? I do love the Brits though, but maybe it's the Canadian coming out. I still know the lyrics to "God Save the Queen" from elementary school assemblies!

Unknown said...

Jessie, you almost got me in trouble with this blog post. I was sitting in our student room while I was reading it, and there was a class going on (not my class). It took all my concentration not to burst out laughing and distract the class.
You're hilarious. Keep it up!

Unknown said...

OH, p.s. I'm reading "When you're engulfed in flames" right now. I'm only a few chapters in, but so far it's pretty funny. Have you read it yet?

Trevor Olsen said...

WE WANT POSTS! WE WANT POSTS! The natives are getting restless!

stacy bostrom said...

ummmmmm, so i hadn't checked your blog in forever and realized and may have missed some incredibly witty story and was bummed to see none! hope to have some new posts from you! --stacy