Thursday, May 14, 2009

What I Saw and How I Lied

Recently, we read THIS book for Book Club. It's a teen novel, so it went fast. A little too fast. In fact, I read this book in about three and a half hours.

Since it's only available in hardcover (which, after tax, winds up being $18.98!), I decided that I'd return it to the retailer. The day after I bought it.

I don't normally make a habit of treating the book store like a library. But when I finish a book as quickly as I did--in hardcover--for that price!--it seemed fair. Plus, the subject matter made me really sad. (All those who like to read about how a mom and daughter unknowingly compete against each other for the same man, say "I". Oh, did I mention that Mom is married?)

I could picture myself staring at the book on my shelf, thinking, "I overpaid. And for a book I didn't even like very much." What future joy will come from that?

Don't worry. The book store got the last laugh. When I returned the already read book, the woman working the counter was the same clerk I bought it from originally.

"Just not the right one, huh?" she asked as I handed back the book and receipt. It was like she could see right through me!
"Yeah," I lied. "Something like that."

1 comment:

Chris Colburn said...

I'm glad you read that book and not me. Yuck.

Love you,